What to expect from sessions 

It can feel daunting to come to therapy. Here at Health Psychology centre clients work in a supportive environment. You can book in for an initial free 15 minute consultation to discuss your needs and suitability.

1 - Assessment- The initial 1-2 sessions involve a relaxed chat about what you would like support with and to get to know you. Together we will work in collaboration to establish treatment goals and identify your treatment plan. 

2 - Process - Treatment will begin. Treatment will follow an integrative approach and draw on evidence-based treatment models appropriate for your difficulties and treatment goal. Progress will be reviewed during sessions.

Sessions last between 50 min - 1 hour. Sessions are offered face to face and online.

Please note we are not a crisis service and do not offer emergency support. If you require urgent care please contact your local emergency service or crisis service.

Please contact Health Psychology Centre to discuss fees. Fees are always realistic and competitive.